Address by President Moon Jae-in at Launching Ceremony for Global Methane Pledge

Address by President Moon Jae-in at Launching Ceremony for Global Methane Pledge

(Unofficial Translation) Honorable President Biden, European Commission President Von Der Leyen, Excellencies, Throughout this year, the world has spurred breathlessly for “Carbon Neutrality.” And today, we have made yet another accomplishment – the Global Methane Pledge. I’d like to exp...

Nov 02, 2021

Address by President Moon Jae-in at World Leaders Summit for 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26)

Address by President Moon Jae-in at World Leaders Summit for 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26)

(Unofficial Translation) Honorable Prime Minister Boris Johnson, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa, Excellencies, Glasgow’s oak forests lead us into a mythical world where humans mingle with wildlife. Nature has long been awaiting us. Now is the time for us to take action and show it our affection. COP...

Nov 01, 2021

Address by President Moon Jae-in at 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) Presidency Program “Action and Solidarity”

Address by President Moon Jae-in at 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) Presidency Program “Action and Solidarity”

(Unofficial Translation) Honorable Prime Minister Johnson, Excellencies, It is meaningful to be a part of this occasion where the international community commits to united action and solidarity to respond to the climate crisis. Today, many global citizens are joining us online. I believe the more each and every o...

Nov 01, 2021

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Korea-Australia Summit on Sidelines of G20 Summit

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Korea-Australia Summit on Sidelines of G20 Summit

(Unofficial Translation) Thank you. Yesterday happened to be the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between our two countries, and I am very pleased to have an opportunity to hold talks with you, Prime Minister. Last June in Cornwall, we promised to upgrade our bilateral relations. I am looking...

Oct 31, 2021

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Global Summit on Supply Chain Resilience

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Global Summit on Supply Chain Resilience

(Unofficial Translation) Honorable President Biden, Excellencies, With the time approaching for us to return to normal life, consumption and demand for investments that have been repressed by the COVID-19 pandemic are rebounding rapidly. However, global supply chains have still recovered only half of their ful...

Oct 31, 2021

Address by President Moon Jae-in at G20 Summit Session III: Sustainable Development

Address by President Moon Jae-in at G20 Summit Session III: Sustainable Development

(Unofficial Translation) Honorable Chair, thank you. Sustainable Development Goals have been promised by the international community. We are now striving to find ways of living that differ from those in the past and to build back better. However, we have to face up to the agonizing reality that the COVID-19 crisi...

Oct 31, 2021

Address by President Moon Jae-in at G20 Summit Session II: Climate Change and Environment

Address by President Moon Jae-in at G20 Summit Session II: Climate Change and Environment

(Unofficial Translation) Honorable Chair, thank you. A few weeks ago, the Nobel Committee selected scientists who had identified the causes of climate change and developed a model to predict global warming as this year’s laureates in Physics. Science has long pointed to climate change’s causes, and th...

Oct 31, 2021

Address by President Moon Jae-in at G20 Summit Session I: Global Economy and Global Health

Address by President Moon Jae-in at G20 Summit Session I: Global Economy and Global Health

(Unofficial Translation) Honorable Chair, Excellencies, I am grateful to Prime Minister Draghi and the people of Italy for organizing this event to bring us together in one place after two years. During the COVID-19 crisis, the G20 has played a pivotal role for solidarity and cooperation. The launch of ACT-A,...

Oct 30, 2021

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Exhibition “Barbed Wire, Heralds of Peace” in Rome

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Exhibition “Barbed Wire, Heralds of Peace” in Rome

(Unofficial Translation) Today’s “crosses of peace” project has been planned and organized by Chairperson Park Yong-man of the Path with You Foundation. Until recently, he served as the CEO of one of Korea’s largest companies and represented all businesses as Chairman of the Korean Chamber of...

Oct 29, 2021

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Virtual 16th East Asia Summit

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Virtual 16th East Asia Summit

(Unofficial Translation) Your Majesty, Excellencies, It is reassuring to be together in these difficult times. I extend my appreciation to His Majesty Sultan Bolkia for his leadership in hosting this Summit. Today, the world has come to realize that transnational cooperation is the only path toward addressin...

Oct 27, 2021