All personal information handled by the websites of 'KN') is collected, retained and processed according to related laws. 

The KN has established the following privacy policy to protect the personal information and rights of individuals and efficiently handles their complaints related to personal information according to Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act (hereinafter: 'Protection Act').

1. Purpose of personal information processing

① The KN collects and processes the minimum amount of personal information and the personal information it processes will not be used for purposes other than the following, and if the purpose of use is changed, the KN will take necessary measures, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

  • Newsletter members
  • KN processes personal information for the purpose of sending newsletters related to personal information protection.

2. Personal information processing and retention period

① The KN processes and retains personal information within the personal information retention period according to relevant laws or within the personal information retention period to which individuals consented when collecting their personal information.
② The contents and retention period of the personal information processed by the KN are as follows

Personal information file name Purpose Operation basis
(collection basis)
Items collected Retention period

newsletter member

Sending of newsletters

Individual’s consent

name, e-mail, country of residence

2 years
(Immediately delete upon rejection)

③ KN has the right to refuse consent according to the privacy policy, and if you refuse to consent, you will not be able to continue subscribing to the newsletter.

※ For detailed information on your personal registration file held by the KN, go to the personal information protection website ( →Minwon Madang → Request personal information access, etc. → Search personal information file list of the KN menu.

3. Provision of personal information to a third party

① The KN does not provide any personal information of individuals to any third party beyond the purposes specified as the purposes for which personal information is processed. In any of the following events, however, the KN may provide the personal information of an individual to a third party.

  • Where consent is obtained from the individual.
  • Where there are special provisions in other laws.
  • Where it is deemed manifestly necessary for the protection of the life, bodily or property interests of the individual, or to protect the third party from imminent danger where the individual or his/her legal representative is not in a position to express intention, or prior consent cannot be obtained owing to unknown addresses, etc.
  • Where personal information is provided in a form that cannot specify a particular individual for statistical purposes, academic research purposes, etc.
  • Where it is impossible to perform the duties under its jurisdiction as provided for in any Act, if the KN uses personal information for purposes other than the intended one, or provides it to a third party, and it is subject to deliberation and resolution by the KN.
  • Where it is necessary to provide personal information to a foreign government or international organization in accordance with requirements of a treaty or other international conventions.
  • Where it is necessary for the investigation of a crime, indictment and/or prosecution.
  • Where it is necessary for a court to proceed with trial-related duties.
  • Where it is necessary for the enforcement of punishment, probation or custody.

② The personal information items provided to a third party for personal information dispute mediation within the scope of the purposes for which the personal information collected by the KN are processed as follows

4. Outsourcing personal information processing

  • Outsourcee : SangSangstory
  • Address: 288,Digital-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea
  • Phone number: +82-2-6677-3082

5. Rights and duties of individuals and their options for legal recourse, and how to exercise them

① Any individual may exercise the following rights:

  • Request access to personal information
  • Request correction and erasure of personal information
  • Request suspension of personal information processing

② Any individual may request access to his/her personal information held by the KN according to Article 35 of the Protection Act (Access to Personal Information). If an individual requests access to his/her personal information, the KN may respond by limiting access according to Paragraph 4 of Article 35 of the Protection Act if any of the following occur or are involved:

  • Where access is prohibited or limited by law;
  • Where access may cause damage to the life or body of a third party, or cause unjustified infringement of property and/or other interests of any other person;
  • Where a public institution may have grave difficulties in performing any of the following duties:
    -  Imposition, collection or refund of taxes;
    -  Evaluation of academic achievements or admission affairs at the schools of each level established under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the Higher Education Act, lifelong educational facilities established under the Lifelong Education Act, and other higher educational institutions established under other acts;
    -  Testing and qualification examination regarding academic competence, technical capability and employment;
    -  Ongoing evaluation or decision-making in relation to compensation or assessment of a grant;
    -  Ongoing audit and examination under another act.

③ An individual may request correction or erasure of his/her personal information held by the KN according to Article 36 of the Protection Act. If other laws prescribe that the personal information should be collected, however, the individual may not request the erasure thereof.

④ An individual may request the suspension of the use of his/her personal information held by the KN according to Article 37 of the Protection Act. In the following circumstances, however, the KN may refuse to comply with the request for suspension of processing personal information according to Paragraph 2 of Article 27 of the Protection Act.

  • Where there are special provisions in other laws or it is inevitable to do so in order to observe legal obligations;
  • Where access may cause damage to the life or body of a third party, or unjustified infringement of property and other interests of any other person;
  • Where a public institution cannot perform its work as prescribed by any law without processing the personal information in question;
  • Where it is impracticable to perform a contract, such as provision of services as agreed upon with the said individual without processing the personal information in question, and the individual has not clearly expressed any desire to terminate the agreement.

⑤ Requests for access to personal information or suspension of the processing of it could limit the subject's rights under Paragraph 5 of Article 35 and Paragraph 2 of Article 37 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

⑥ If an individual requested that errors, etc. of his/her personal information be corrected or erased, the KN will not use or provide the personal information until the correction or erasure is completed.

⑦ The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall check if the person requesting access to or correction, deletion, or suspension of processing personal information is the actual person in question or a legitimate proxy or representative of the one making the request per the subject's rights.

* [Notice on Processing Methods for Personal Information from Personal Information Protection Commission per Annex No. 8] Request to view personal information:

Download relevant form (Korean only)

* [Notice on Processing Methods for Personal Information from Personal Information Protection Commission per Annex No. 11] Power of attorney:

Download relevant form (Korean only)

6. Safeguards to ensure the safety of personal information

The KN has established administrative, technical and physical measures necessary for ensuring the safety of personal information according to Article 29 of the Protection Act as follows:

  • Administrative measures: establishment of an internal management plan, and minimization and education of personal information handlers
  • Technical measures: installation of security programs, system access controls, and access rights management, etc.
  • Physical measures: Control of unauthorized persons’ access to the computer room, data archive, etc.

7. Administrators in Charge of Management of Personal Information of Website

KN will designate an administrator in charge of the management of the personal Information of Users, and strive to protect the Personal Information. The administrators in charge of the management of Personal Information of the website of KN are as follows.

  • Charge of Management of Personal Information
    - Name : Kim Mira (Acting Director of Culture and information contents team)
    - Phone : +82-44-203-2203
    - Email address :

8.The policy on managing personal information will take effect from February 5, 2024.

You can check our previous policies on managing personal information at the following: