Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Virtual 24th ASEAN+3 Summit

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Virtual 24th ASEAN+3 Summit

(Unofficial Translation) Honorable Chair, Excellencies, It’s a pleasure to see you all again in good health. Prime Minister Kishida, I extend my warmest welcome to you. The ASEAN+3 Summit is soon to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Having come together in our collective response to the East Asian fina...

Oct 27, 2021

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Virtual 22nd ASEAN-ROK Summit

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Virtual 22nd ASEAN-ROK Summit

(Unofficial Translation) Honorable Chair, Excellencies, In these difficult times of the lingering COVID-19 crisis, it is wonderful and reassuring to be reunited with all of you. I express my deepest respect to His Majesty Hassanal Bolkiah for his outstanding organization of this summit and extend my gratitude to ...

Oct 26, 2021

Address by President Moon Jae-in at National Assembly to Propose Government Budget for 2022

Address by President Moon Jae-in at National Assembly to Propose Government Budget for 2022

(Unofficial Translation) Fellow Koreans, the Honorable Speaker Park Byeong-seug and distinguished members of the National Assembly, I am filled with deep emotions as – with six months left in my term – I am delivering my last speech before the National Assembly. Throughout my presidency, national cri...

Oct 25, 2021

Message to Nation from President Moon Jae-in on Launch of Korean Space Launch Vehicle Nuri

Message to Nation from President Moon Jae-in on Launch of Korean Space Launch Vehicle Nuri

(Unofficial Translation) Fellow Koreans, space scientists and engineers, The Nuri flight test has been completed. I am proud of it. It is unfortunate that the launch fell short of perfectly achieving its goal, but – for a first launch – the outcome was remarkable. From the launch controls, the liftoff, midair ...

Oct 21, 2021

Congratulatory Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition 2021 (Seoul ADEX 2021)

Congratulatory Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition 2021 (Seoul ADEX 2021)

(Unofficial Translation) Fellow Koreans, distinguished guests from home and abroad, Today, the defense industry capabilities of 440 businesses from 28 countries have been brought together and put on display here. The defense industry has helped defend the land, skies and waters of our territory and partnered wit...

Oct 20, 2021

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 2nd Plenary Meeting of Presidential Committee on Carbon Neutrality

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 2nd Plenary Meeting of Presidential Committee on Carbon Neutrality

(Unofficial Translation) Good afternoon, everyone. Prior to the COP26 summit to be hosted by the United Kingdom, we have convened this crucial meeting to effectively decide on the 2050 carbon neutrality scenarios and improved 2050 nationally determined contributions. I am grateful to private-sector Co-chair Yun Sun-...

Oct 18, 2021

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Presentation of Balanced National Development Achievements and Pan-regional Cooperation Support Strategy

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Presentation of Balanced National Development Achievements and Pan-regional Cooperation Support Strategy

(Unofficial Translation) Good afternoon everyone. A year after the Regionally Balanced New Deal was first taken up at a Korean New Deal strategy meeting, we have convened this gathering to discuss a more in-depth strategy for balanced national development with mayors and governors. In particular, holding today&rs...

Oct 14, 2021

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 44th Cabinet Meeting

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 44th Cabinet Meeting

(Unofficial Translation) Let me begin the 44th Cabinet Meeting. To mark Hanbok Culture Week, I – like all the Cabinet members attending this meeting – have opted to wear Hanbok. The traditional Korean attire, Hanbok represents our time-honored culture. Its beauty and unique value are being recognized...

Oct 12, 2021

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Presentation of Vision for Becoming Leading Hydrogen Economy Nation and Related Achievements to Date

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Presentation of Vision for Becoming Leading Hydrogen Economy Nation and Related Achievements to Date

(Unofficial Translation) Fellow Koreans, citizens of Incheon, The hydrogen economy that my Administration has prioritized is a key factor in the economy of the future. Incheon is emerging as the hydrogen-driven economy’s future central hub. The city is becoming the center of a hydrogen supply chain with bus...

Oct 07, 2021

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in on 15th World Korean Day

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in on 15th World Korean Day

(Unofficial Translation) Fellow 7.5 million Koreans overseas, Korean community leaders in countries around the world, I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the 15th World Korean Day. As Koreans, the more we come together, the more strength we gain. Last year, we were not able to hold a World Korean Day ceremony...

Oct 05, 2021