Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Emergency Meeting on Wildfire in Goseong and Inje, Gangwon Province

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Emergency Meeting on Wildfire in Goseong and Inje, Gangwon Province

(Unofficial translation) Thank you all for your hard work through the night. Special thanks go to firefighters, police officers and other government officials from relevant agencies, including the Korea Forest Service, as well as the Gangwon Provincial Government. The military has provided a lot of assistance, and man...

Apr 05, 2019

Address by President Moon Jae-in at 63rd Newspaper Day Ceremony

Address by President Moon Jae-in at 63rd Newspaper Day Ceremony

(Unofficial translation) Newspaper professionals and distinguished guests, I congratulate you on the 63rd Newspaper Day. When I think of newspapers, the word “first” comes to my mind. Early in the morning, picking up a newspaper that still gives off a whiff of ink is a way to catch up with the day’s news “first.” N...

Apr 04, 2019

Message from President Moon Jae-in on Jeju April 3 Incident

Message from President Moon Jae-in on Jeju April 3 Incident

The Jeju April 3 Incident still makes us feel ashamed for standing in spring sunshine. Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon attended today’s memorial ceremony. He will comfort the hearts of Jeju and convey sympathy on behalf of the Government.Complete resolution regarding the Jeju April 3 Incident is a step on the path toward ov...

Apr 03, 2019

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Expanded Tourism Strategy Meeting

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Expanded Tourism Strategy Meeting

(Unofficial translation)Good afternoon everyone. It is significant that this expanded tourism strategy meeting is being held here in Incheon’s Songdo International City, the Republic of Korea’s first free economic zone.Korea is an attractive nation. It possesses diversity and dynamism in all areas, including history, c...

Apr 02, 2019

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with His Senior Secretaries

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with His Senior Secretaries

(Unofficial translation) Next week, I will pay a visit to the United States at President Trump’s invitation. Although the failure to reach an agreement at the second US-North Korea Summit has created temporary difficulties in terms of advancing the peace process on the Korean Peninsula, it is becoming clear that neithe...

Apr 01, 2019

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with Leaders of Civil Society Organizations

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with Leaders of Civil Society Organizations

(Unofficial translation) Leaders of civil society organizations, I am glad to meet you all. Joining us here today are leaders of civil society organizations that represent different walks of life in Korea. I share a sense of camaraderie with you as I once spent quite a long time participating in the activities of vari...

Apr 01, 2019

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Dialogue with Foreign-Invested Companies

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Dialogue with Foreign-Invested Companies

(Unofficial translation) AMCHAM Chairman of Board of Governors Jeffrey Jones and business leaders from foreign-invested companies, presidents of foreign chambers of commerce in Korea and officials of other associations and organizations, I am glad to meet you all. When foreign businesses invest in Korea, they are “ou...

Mar 28, 2019

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Korea-Belgium Expanded Summit

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Korea-Belgium Expanded Summit

(Unofficial translation) I wholeheartedly welcome Your Majesty to Korea. I am glad to see you again in Seoul five months after our meeting in Brussels last October. Your Majesty’s visit to Korea carries even greater significance because it is the first by a King of the Belgians in 27 years and the first state visit by ...

Mar 26, 2019

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 2019 World Water Day Ceremony (7th Stop of Nationwide Economic Tour: Daegu)

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 2019 World Water Day Ceremony (7th Stop of Nationwide Economic Tour: Daegu)

(Unofficial translation) Fellow Koreans, citizens of Daegu and distinguished guests, While commemorating the United Nations’ World Water Day, I am deeply grateful to all of those who have dedicated themselves to preserving and managing water. I also offer my heartfelt congratulations to everyone who has been honored w...

Mar 22, 2019

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Innovative Finance Vision Declaration Ceremony

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Innovative Finance Vision Declaration Ceremony

(Unofficial translation) Financial professionals and business leaders, I am glad to meet you all. On the night of December 31, 1879, 290 light bulbs lit up the American state of New Jersey. It was a historic moment as Thomas Edison unveiled his incandescent bulbs to the world. The acclaim was short-lived. Edison soon r...

Mar 21, 2019