Opening Remark by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with Cheong Wa Dae Press Corps

Opening Remark by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with Cheong Wa Dae Press Corps

(Unofficial Translation) The Chunchugwan press corps, members of the media, I’m very pleased and happy to join so many of you at this meeting. As a matter of fact, we tried several times before to arrange this kind of gathering. In 2020 and again in 2021, we even adjusted schedules with executive members of...

Apr 25, 2022

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 18th Cabinet Meeting

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 18th Cabinet Meeting

(Unofficial Translation) Let me begin the 18th Cabinet Meeting. Finally, social distancing rules have been completely lifted, making it possible for the people to return to normal life. Downgrading COVID-19 to a lower-grade infectious disease will also enable our medical system to return to its pre-pandemic state...

Apr 19, 2022

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Luncheon with Korean New Deal –related Government Ministers and Awardees

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Luncheon with Korean New Deal –related Government Ministers and Awardees

(Unofficial Translation) This gathering, coming with my term set to end in a month, has been arranged to take stock of achievements from the Korean New Deal that has been prioritized by my Administration and to appreciate the hard work everyone has put in. In particular, it is very meaningful to have with us private...

Apr 07, 2022

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 15th Cabinet Meeting

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 15th Cabinet Meeting

(Unofficial Translation) Let me begin the 15th Cabinet Meeting. Prices of energy, raw materials and grains are sharply rising across the world as the Ukraine war drags on and supply chain uncertainties persist. Consequently, major countries are all recording their highest inflation rates in three to four decades....

Apr 05, 2022

Congratulatory Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Buddhist Service for Newly Elected 15th Supreme Patriarch of Jogye Order

Congratulatory Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Buddhist Service for Newly Elected 15th Supreme Patriarch of Jogye Order

(Unofficial Translation) Today, the Most Venerable Master Jungbong Seongpa has been elected the 15th Supreme Patriarch of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. I extend heartfelt congratulations with my hands pressed together. In spring when all things come to life, every part of Jogyesa Temple is festooned with co...

Mar 31, 2022

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with His Senior Secretaries

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with His Senior Secretaries

(Unofficial Translation) The present is the accumulation of past history. The Republic of Korea has made unceasing progress even throughout a modern history punctuated by tribulations as well as twists and turns. Now, we have become a country with the status of a powerhouse not only in economic and military strength...

Mar 28, 2022

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 13th Cabinet Meeting

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 13th Cabinet Meeting

(Unofficial Translation) Let me begin the 13th Cabinet Meeting. There cannot be the slightest gap in state affairs. In particular, there must be no breach in national security, the economy or public safety for even an instant. I urge everyone to do everything possible until the end of my term to ensure that there...

Mar 22, 2022

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Joint Commissioning Ceremony for New Police Inspectors and Senior Inspectors

Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Joint Commissioning Ceremony for New Police Inspectors and Senior Inspectors

(Unofficial Translation) Fellow Koreans, our police officers, Today, 166 young police officers are taking their first step. From this moment on, you will be entrusted with the glorious mission of protecting people’s lives, safety and freedom. I am truly proud of our young police officers who have completed ...

Mar 17, 2022

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with His Senior Secretaries

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with His Senior Secretaries

(Unofficial Translation) Here with us today for presentations and discussions are three outside experts – President Hong Jang-pyo of the Korea Development Institute, Economics Professor Oh Jun-byoung of Inha University and Researcher Kim Yun-jeong of the Korea Legislation Research Institute. Thank you for join...

Mar 14, 2022

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 11th Cabinet Meeting

Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 11th Cabinet Meeting

(Unofficial Translation) Let me begin the 11th Cabinet Meeting. Tomorrow is Korea’s 20th presidential election day. This will be the time for the people to select the President who will administer state affairs for the next five years. I ask everyone to vote with the mindset of choosing the destiny and futu...

Mar 08, 2022