

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

NewJeans Appointed as 2024 Honorary Ambassadors of Korea Tourism

- On July 11, Minister Yu appointed NewJeans as the 2024 honorary ambassadors of Korea tourism- Two new promotional videos to be released on YouTube and broadcasted on billboards across 12 cities worldwide, including Times Square in New York On July 11, the Ministry of Cultu...

Jul 11,2024

Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs

MPVA and YouTuber ‘LongBug’ Deliver 1 Ton of Rice to Korean War Veterans through Running Donation Challenge

 MPVA and YouTuber ‘LongBug’ conducted a nationwide online and offline running donation challenge, with over 700 participants including former WBA Asia Champion Kim Hwang-gil and uniformed service couples. 1 ton of rice was donated to the Seoul branch of the Korean War Veterans...

Jul 10,2024

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

MOTIE lays out initial blueprint for K-design and AI convergence

Trade, Industry and Energy Minister Dukgeun Ahn held the AI Design Conference on July 9 at LG Science Park in Seoul with design companies and experts and announced the AI Design Diffusion Strategy. Based on a shared understanding of the need to enhance across-the-board indus...

Jul 10,2024

Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

Leading the world in the standardization of animal disease diagnosis

- A ceremony and an international workshop for the designation of the world’s first Collaboration Center for reference materials for the diagnosis of diseases in marine and terrestrial animals. - Joint designation of the National Institute of Fisheries Science and the...

Jul 10,2024

Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

Building an Emission-Free Global Green Shipping Route

- Target to pilot world’s first green routes in 2027 between Busan and Ulsan Ports ↔ Seattle and Tacoma Ports - Each container ship equivalent to reducing carbon emission footprint by about 32,000 passenger cars - Expect to expand and collaborate with major...

Jul 10,2024

Statistics Korea

Economically Active Population Survey in June 2024

[Economically active population and labor force participation rate] ◦ The economically active population marked 29.764 million persons in June, which grew 146 thousand persons or 0.5% year-on-year. ◦ The labor force participation rate stood at 65.3% in June, remaining the same ...

Jul 10,2024

Financial Services Commission

FSC Identifies D-SIBs and D-SIFIs for 2025

The Financial Services Commission identified five bank holding companies (BHCs) and five banks as domestic systemically important banks (D-SIBs) and domestic systemically important financial institutions (D-SIFIs) for 2025 on July 10. Those selected for 2025 are same as the previ...

Jul 10,2024

Ministry of Economy and Finance

Current Employment Statistics, June 2024

Statistics Korea released report on the 'Economically active population survey' on July 10, 2024. The economically active population marked 29.764 million persons in June, which grew 146 thousand persons or 0.5% year-on-year. Please refer to the attached PDF.

Jul 10,2024

Financial Services Commission

Household Loans, June 2024

In June 2024, the outstanding balance of household loans across all financial sectors rose KRW4.4 trillion (preliminary), growing at a slower rate compared with the previous month (up KRW5.3 trillion). In the first half of 2024, household loans rose KRW7.9 trillion (up 0.5 percen...

Jul 10,2024

Financial Services Commission

FSC Announces Designation of Seven Non-holding Financial Groups for 2024

The Financial Services Commission held the 13th regular meeting on July 10 and designated seven non-holding financial groups for 2024 pursuant to the Act on the Supervision of Financial Conglomerates (“the Act” hereinafter). The designated entities are Samsung, Hanwha...

Jul 10,2024